Friday, December 26, 2014

Forever and day! (and Happy Holidays!)

That's what it feels like since I last wrote a blog! Much has happened in my life; new jobs, moving to new cities, making new friends, traveling to new places as well as some familiar ones... Too much to try to catch up on a single post. Apparently I have little motivation to write unless I'm traveling. But I guess not much changes because here I am, writing a blog post getting ready for some travel.

Of course, just driving from where I live in Tennessee to spend the holidays with my family in Michigan is travel enough for most people, 10 hours of driving over four states! It has been fun spending time with my family, spoiling my nieces and nephews. Today, my family (my parents, brother and their families) plus my grandparents, a few aunts and uncles, and some of my cousins and their kids took over one of the lodges at Somerset Beach Campground. We are spending a few days here to Celebrate Christmas together. Well, I guess I should say "they" are spending a few days here, I'm only going to be here tonight because tomorrow I'm flying out for another visit to Russia.

I'm meeting my dear friend Maria in St. Petersburg for a few day and then we are heading Chelyabinsk for the New Year. I'm looking forward to see another Russian City. I love Moscow and St. Petersburg but I am really excited to venture to new parts of Russia. 

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