Today’s posting will be mostly pictures! We stared the morning going to the Novodevichy Cemetery. This is where a lot of famous Russians are buried including Boris Yeltsin, Nikita Khrushchev (the guy who banged his shoe), Nikolay Gogol, and Sergi Prokofiev among many others. We went to see the graves of Stanislavsky and Chekhov in particular and lay some flowers on their graves out of respect and gratitude. The pictures are of Sienna placing a flower on Stanislavski's grave and the second us Jeffery adding a rose to Chekhov's grave.
I don't know who any of these other grave are for but they looked cool...
This shot turned out really great!
TANK for a grave...that's just cool...
If I overheard correctly, this is some famous clown...
I'm going out a limb and saying this might have been a ballerina...
just maybe...
Then we went on two hour boat ‘tour’ of Moscow. It wasn’t really a tour because there wasn’t any guide that I heard telling us what we should be looking at. It almost felt like a waste of money because we saw a lot of the same things we had already seen. But the trip itself was enjoyable and we had good talks sitting in the sun on the deck.
We had the rest of the day to ourselves so Erman took Pegi, Alli, and me to Kuz’minski Park where we spent the rest of the enjoying the grounds. Pegi and Alli joined the throngs of folks swimming in one of the little lakes on the grounds. It’s interesting to note that all the water ways were clearly marked with “No Swimming” signs but that didn’t stop people. I think it’s a Russian thing to do on hot days because I saw people swimming in one of the fountain parks just outside Red Square and nobody seemed to mind.

Another interesting factoid is that Muscovites are very accepting of their bodies and not afraid to show them off… I know this because I saw more bikinis today that I think I have seen my entire life. Now, in America, generally speaking, there are only a couple body types that you will find wearing two piece bikinis…not so here in Moscow. I think I saw a total of about SIX one piece bathing suits the whole afternoon. Women of all shapes, sizes, and ages wear two piece suits to the beach. Oh, and like many European countries, men tend to wear speedos (or their underwear, I didn’t take any closer looks) except for the younger generation that will tend to wear shorts. All in all, I’m taking it as good thing that their either very accepting of different body types or they just don’t care.
I'd never seen lilies with yellow flowers until to day...
Two duck just chillin' on a branch...
Well, I have to create four new final renderings for design class tomorrow…
(NOTE: you and click on any picture to see a larger version)
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