Well, it has been a long while since I’ve written anything
on this old blog of mine…
Much has happened since that time but I will not regale you
with all of that. I just thought that I would take this season of Giving Thanks
to share some thoughts… That, and I’m sitting in my family’s rustic cabin in
the woods with not much else to do… As least I have a little Internet access
via my cell phone! So technological advances that let weird people like me do
silly stuff like this are some of the things that I am thankful for…
Of course, my family is the biggest thing I am thankful for…
When we lost my sister-in-law and niece in a snowstorm highway pile up over a
year and a half ago has made family all that more important. They are missed
dearly and we wish that they were still with us. However, we have the knowledge
that we will meet again in heaven.
I love my job… I really liked my previous job at Bryan
College but I feel really lucky to be teaching at my alma mater, Greenville
College, even if it is just for this year. I hope I can convince then to keep
me… and the theatre program…
I am grateful to live in the United States of America. We
bicker with each other over political philosophies and moan about how stupid
other people can be… But at least we can do that. I feel fortunate to live in
country where my right to speak my mind is protected by the law. Not everyone
can say that… We are the lucky ones…. Everything I say or write is rarely the
best idea, news worth, intelligent, thought provoking, or other wise useful. In
fact, I say a lot of stupid stuff, but at least I won’t get thrown in jail for
it… hopefully anyway…
I really like my family’s hunting cabin. Like I mentioned
before, it’s a little ol’ rustic cabin the in the woods with no running water
and no electricity, and I like it like that… It reminds me of simpler times. I
remember once coming up here when I was in grad school. I used the old oil
lamps for light and spent my time drafting by daylight and lamplight. It was
When I lived in Michigan, I would come up here several times
a year, often just by myself. Now that I live out of state, as I have for about
four years, the only time I get up here is Thanksgiving weekend. So I try to
make the best of it. Tomorrow (Thanksgiving day), I’ll get up with my dad and
grandpa and go out to sit in the woods. I won’t be hunting but I just like to
sit in the woods and think. I’ll probably do some reading as well… and I’ll
take several naps… and I will enjoy it…